We wanted to write about sustainable lifestyle because the word sustainability is a concept that has entered our lives recently. When we say sustainable life, it is normal to have different connotations in our minds. Many of us do not even notice the minor nuances in our lives. However, issues such as charging the phone every night, providing transportation by car, putting our household waste in garbage, buying new clothes are directly related to the concepts of ecology and consumption. Everything we consume without worrying about daily life will actually have ecological returns in the long run. At this point, sustainable life is a concept that tells us to live with awareness.
Since the 2000s, recycling and plastic waste have been serious issues in the world. Because the problems that we can see clearly, such as melting glaciers and climate change, have begun to appear. States and individuals have started working to prevent this issue. However, it is not too late to understand how big the problem is and to understand if we can provide long-term solutions. Because we realized that taking precautions could not bring back balance, what we had to do was to change our way of life from the very beginning. In this process, the concept of sustainable life began to mature.
If we ask most people about what is sustainability, they probably think of images like “green” or “environment” immediately. Although these images are not wrong, sustainable life is much more than just “green” discourse. In this blog post, as Voucherix, we will talk about what sustainable life is, why it matters, and what we can do to achieve it.
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What is Sustainable Lifestyle?
Sustainable lifestyle is a new lifestyle that individuals, businesses and government institutions should adopt. The mechanization and industrialization that started after the Industrial Revolution not only gave birth to the consumption economy, but also disturbed the balance of ecological functioning. Destructive changes came to our lives as a result of excessive consumption.
When we think about the consumption economy and habits, we will not be able to get anywhere by just transforming what we have. We can define it as “our needs and priorities” the basis of a sustainable life economy.
It includes a sustainable lifestyle including eating, transportation, socializing, energy use, waste disposal and many more. Simply put; Being sustainable meets today’s needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This means that everything done has the least impact, least waste. Sustainable life is not only achieved through philosophical thinking. It includes acting immanently and taking action. Because even if the efforts of a single individual cannot solve all the problems, the individuals’ transition to sustainable life by influencing each other will nourish the collective spirit and create real solutions. Please keep on reading to get more sustainable lifestyle information.
Why Sustainable Lifestyle Matters?
Developed countries have very high and easy access to resources. Therefore, its effects on the environment are just as important. Because, according to United Nations reports, 20% of the world population consumes 86% of the current world resources. We will not be able to live sustainably as long as one fifth of the population continues to use this vast majority of resources. For this reason, we must first realize the problems and change ourselves, our local region, the place where we work and then our country to make an impact. Believe this is not difficult. As long as you tell other people how important it is to believe and sustainable life.
Sustainability is not just an environmental problem; it is also economical. One-fifth of the population has access to most of the planet’s environmental resources, but most of the planet’s economic resources, including education and healthcare, are available. Unless living standards change, inhabitants of developing countries continue to deal with poverty and malnutrition, while their populations will continue to grow. Sustainability can be part of the answer to reducing poverty worldwide. Sustainability does not only mean reducing energy use and emissions; It means increasing access to jobs, promoting responsible trade and reducing poverty rates. More sustainable lifestyle information below.
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Increasing Consumption Rates and Changing World
Population density has increased more than 250% over the past 50 years, according to UN reports. As the global population grows, demand for energy and other resources also increases. Unfortunately, current consumption rates will not be enough to meet this demand.
Although the effects of our increased resource use may not be immediately noticeable to us, they have become effective in alarming ways. The use of unsustainable resources has already led to climate change, toxic waste, air pollution and water scarcity. To maintain this increasing population and increasing resource demand, it should be one of our primary and primary goals to reverse this effect. Continue reading for sustainable lifestyle ti
Useful Tips to Adopt Sustainable Lifestyle
Sustainable lifestyle may sound a bit utopian in this world where consumption and waste generation are commonplace. But believe it is not difficult! A few tips we can give you can help you gain good habits and develop positive behavioral changes. By making lifestyle changes, you can save money, live more organic and have a healthier lifestyle. Here are tips to create a more sustainable lifestyle:
Reduce fossil fuel use
Investigate ways to utilize solar panel or wind energy to suit systems like natural gas heating. In this process we are in, vehicle and public transportation usage has been reduced to a minimum. In the period after the coronavirus outbreak has been overcome, we recommend that you keep your vehicle use to a minimum and prefer to walk or use public transportation as much as possible.
Save water
Unfortunately, a lot of waste of water can occur when you take a shower or use the sink. Water is life. Who has water also has life. You can adopt this principle and always pay attention to water consumption.
Recycle Waste
Recycle all your waste whenever possible. Consider all the different items with alternative or reusable components: rechargeable batteries, lighters, shoes, water bottles, shopping bags, fountain pens. When shopping for food, consider buying in bulk and take your shopping bag with you. This dentist in Vienna also recommends using bamboo toothbrushes and toothpaste bars to reduce your plastic waste.
Buy a Thermos
Do you drink something frequently during the day? Instead of wasting extra cups and wasting time to clean it, get yourself a thermos. Remember, change starts from simple!
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― Robert Swan
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