Are you noticing that your air conditioner emits a bad odor? A weird smell that usually is not there, but suddenly emerges and disturbs your senses.
When out of nowhere your air conditioner produces a bad smell, it is a sign that there is a problem with your air conditioner. To fix this problem, you may require to hire technician help from professional aircon servicing Singapore. You can also identify what is the core problem within the air conditioner by differentiating what kind of smells the air conditioner emits.
Through this article, we will discuss what are the causes of odors coming out of your air conditioner. Thus, you can take the proper and correct action to fix all the problems that may happen with your air conditioner.
The air conditioner is dirty
A dirty air conditioner will create a lot of problems. In addition to the many damages that will occur, a dirty air conditioner will also emit an unpleasant odor. This is one of the most common reasons why suddenly the air conditioner emits a bad odor.
The smell of dirty air conditioners usually is like a pungent or musty odor. And the condition is happening because of the mold and dirt inside the air conditioner filter which does not get cleaned regularly. If you don’t immediately service and clean the air conditioner, then the pungent smell will get stronger over time. It can also cause respiratory issues or allergies, due to the buildup of dust and dirt.
Short circuit
A short circuit in the air conditioner will cause a burnt smell to come out of your air conditioner. Keep in mind that when a burnt smell appears, that means you have to turn off the air conditioner immediately because it can cause damage to other components, and worse it can even cause a fire disaster! If you notice this smell coming out of your air conditioner, then immediately contact the air conditioner service provider to solve the problem.
The cause of a short circuit can be due to exposed wires, loose electrical sockets, and various other causes in the air conditioner power. A burnt smell will be a sign that your air conditioner is in serious trouble!
Freon leak
The cause of a freon leak is usually because the pipe or connection to the freon is broken, damaged, or worn out. This problem will cause an odor like the pungent smell of gas to spread around the room. Freon leak should be fixed immediately by a professional technician. If it does not get the proper attention, it can be dangerous for you and everyone who lives under the same roof as you.
Freon leaks can cause toxic substances, and it can also cause a fire. Therefore, if the smell of gas appears, immediately move away objects that can cause a fire, vacate the room, and immediately call for professional help.
Animal carcasses
If the smell that appears is like a rotten one, probably it happened due to the smell of dead animals that got stuck inside your air conditioner unit. You can immediately disassemble your air conditioner and check inside. It could be that there are animals such as small mice that enter, then die there. Thus why the bad odor has gone all over the place.
Troubleshoot-ing the issue of smell due to carcasses is not as hard as the other issues. You can clean it up by yourself without having to contact an experienced air conditioner service. However, if you are unsure about disassembling the air conditioner, then you can still contact profesional help to solve the problem.
Don’t forget to always carry out periodic maintenance, servicing, and washing of the air conditioner to make sure no small animals are stuck in there and cause an unpleasant odor.
Humid room
If the room where the air conditioner is located is too humid, the air that is inhaled and then exhaled by the air conditioner will also be humid. As a result, a musty smell might appear inside the room. To fix this problem, you need to make sure air circulation is maintained by alternating between turning on the air conditioner and opening the window. You must still let outside air enter the room so that the room does not become too humid.
If you are a smoker, avoid smoking in air-conditioned rooms. If you smoke when the air conditioner is on, this can cause an unpleasant odor in the room. The substances in cigarette smoke will be inhaled by the air conditioner and left inside the unit. Over time, the substances contained in the cigarette will accumulate in the air conditioner, then cause an unpleasant aroma to come out of the air conditioner when you turn it on.
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