If it is true that the square meters of a house are those and those must be satisfied, it is also true that having a garden can prove to be a real godsend for those who need extra space: with a little imagination and a small budget you can in fact create what is called garden room, that is a versatile option for those who want to increase the space of a property and a great way to grow the value of your home.
What are the garden rooms?
What is it? The garden rooms do not affect the existing structure, but add value in a unique and separate structure. A dusty tool shed can in fact turn into a living environment that adds value to the property and makes it much more attractive. Often, garden rooms are created as offices for freelancers or those who need a space to work from home. More and more people work from their own homes and an office in the garden is a space that allows you to divide your working life from your personal life, with the convenience of being connected to the house. For those who want to use the garden rooms as a relaxation area, it is essential that the environment is prepared to accommodate all the comforts: a nice comfortable sofa, a reading corner, maybe a bar. The ideal is to create a place where you can take refuge alone or with friends and be together in a space different from the house, but with everything available.
What to consider when choosing a garden room?
To proceed with the purchase or construction of a garden room, you need to consider various parameters. First of all, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, the use that you want to do. From this, it follows the analysis of other factors, such as: the size, the material, the location, the presence or not of windows or verandas, the aesthetic impact that must have on the garden. Then it is also established which material you want to buy or build: the choice often falls on the purchase, especially for those who are not particularly familiar with the craft and prefer to use those manufacturers who guarantee a catalog extremely supplied, such as Quick-Garden.co.uk, which offers buyers a really rich list of garden rooms of all kinds and prices. Simply visit the site and enter the filters that interest you to browse a wide range of products to use such as office, bedroom, study, real miniature house for moments of relaxation or to host guests and friends.
And who wants to build their own garden room?
In this case it is enough to buy the materials and a mounting kit to proceed with the construction. We first choose the base where to build the structure and then proceed with the installation of the wooden boards, preferred material for the garden rooms, deciding where to put the door and windows. Finally, we proceed with the construction of the roof, covered with roofing tiles in bituminous sheath to ensure the waterproofing of the garden room.
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