At Polar Recovery™ they’re recovery obsessed and they believe cold water therapy is the key to unlocking your true potential – Their mission is to expose as many people as possible to cold water therapy to enhance their true training capability!
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Feel the benifits of cold water therapy from ANYWHERE, you name it you can take it there.
RESET Your Body And Mind!
Cold water therapy is one of the fastest, easiest, and most natural ways to reset your body and mind.
ENHANCE Performance And Recovery.
Cold therapy reduces inflammation and pain by constricting blood flow to muscles. By temporarily reducing nerve activity, cold therapy reduces swelling and muscle spasms.
RELIVE Stress And Anxiety.
Taking regular ice baths stimulates the nervous system which can help alleviate depression and anxiety. Cold therapy can also increase neuroplasticity and may decrease neurodegenerative disease risk.
BOOST Your ImmuneSystem
Cold therapy stimulates the nervous system which can help alleviate depression and anxiety. Cold therapy can also increase neuroplasticity and may decrease neurodegenerative disease risk.
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