As if the increasing CBD vapes industry was not clear enough, BDS Analytics has projected the whole market to reach and exceed $20 billion by 2024. By 2024, the overall demand for all cannabis products will be worth $45 billion, with a growth rate of 49%. Accordingly, many people are trying it out for the first time. Learn these ten facts on CBD vapes before using them for the first time.

Learn these 10 facts before trying it for the first time
1. It has been the subject of much research
There are around 85 cannabinoids in cannabis. CBD and THC are the most well-known. So, these cannabinoids have undergone extensive research and testing to uncover their benefits.
2. It does not cause you to have a high
It lacks the fundamental characteristics that cause you to get “high.” These compounds do not bind to your nerve receptors (CB1 and CB2), resulting in various physiological and mental experiences. That is why anybody can use it, even people in jobs that need a high level of mental acuity.
3. It is comparable to a medicinal drug
Pharmaceuticals treat a variety of medical and health disorders all over the globe. It has few adverse effects and is non-toxic, so it is a viable alternative. Still, the risks and side effects typically exceed the benefits. This fact makes cannabidiol top-rated.
4. It is an entirely legal
It is a natural compound. It comes from industrial hemp and cannabis plants. Though the legalization of cannabis varies by area, CBD is exempt from these restrictions due to industrial hemp plants’ low THC content.
5. It activates the vital receptors
It impacts the body’s primary cannabinoid receptors when users consume it. CB1 is primarily in the central nervous system (spinal cord) and the brain, whereas CB2 is present in the immune system, peripheral nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental diseases in the United States, and CB1 receptor activation may help. This factor is critical since the impacts of activating these receptors may be rather dramatic. The activation of CB2 receptors, for example, can clear the brain of beta-amyloid protein, a plaque standard in Alzheimer’s patients. In contrast, activation of CB1 receptors can improve depression, decrease paranoia and anxiety, and lower blood pressure and intestinal inflammation.
6. It effectively treats medical issues
According to a 2018 study, more than 60% of cannabidiol users said they used CBD to address a medical problem. Pain, anxiety, and sadness were the most common complaints among these individuals. Most users treat anxiety with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two.

7. Cannabinoids are naturally present in our bodies
Our endocannabinoid system, which affects various biological systems, including mood, hunger, pain, and cognitive functioning, produces cannabinoids naturally. Anandamide is arguably the most helpful endocannabinoid. Anandamide is significant because it stimulates the CB1 receptors in our bodies. These receptors aid in the following:
- Getting rid of depression
- Breast cancer cells are known to cease proliferating
- Intestinal inflammation reduces
- Reduce the likelihood of Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Reduce your blood pressure
- Anxiety, dread, and paranoia reduce
- There are also benefits for those with PTSD
It also stimulates PPAR-gamma receptors (PPAR-gamma receptors are involved in lipid absorption, insulin sensitivity, dopamine release, and the breakdown of beta-amyloid plaque, all of which may help with disorders including diabetes, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease).
8. It has the potential to help those with clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD)
Natural cannabinoids arise at a lesser rate in people with CECD. The following are some of the negative consequences of lower production:
- Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Migraines
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Huntington’s disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- Autism
As previously noted, the drugs used to treat these illnesses may have worse side effects than the symptoms. In the brain, another location where it can naturally and without adverse effects boosts cannabinoids in the body to support better health.
9. It is non-toxic
As per the WHO, it is typically well accepted by most individuals. It has a high safety record. The US FDA has even authorized Epidiolex, an oral CBD medication, as a therapy for Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndromes, two severe pediatric epilepsy disorders.
10. It can treat people with epilepsy and seizures organically
Due to its safety profile, the DEA has downgraded Epidiolex from Schedule-I (high risk of abuse) to Schedule-V (low potential for abuse). Studies have shown that CBD helps those who suffer from several daily seizures. This factor is simply further proof that CBD might be the natural pharmaceutical alternative we need.
In addition, you should be aware of the following details:
Extracts obtained from hemp are identical to extracts derived from marijuana. The extract is the same regardless of whether it originates from industrial hemp or marijuana. Some cannabis strains have a more incredible THC content than others and vice versa. In areas where marijuana is still illegal, the 2018 Farm Bill specifies hemp as having 0.3 percent or less THC, restricting its production to industrial hemp.
- Hemp oil and CBD oil differ
Despite being commonly used interchangeably, hemp and Aspen Green CBD Oil are different. CBD is obtained chiefly from the flowers or buds of the hemp plant, while complete plant extracts employ the entire plant. Hemp seed oil comes entirely from the plant’s seeds and does not contain cannabinoids. - Other cannabinoids strengthen its effects
While it has some claimed advantages on its own, it works best when combined with the many other cannabinoids found in cannabis. The entourage effect is the reason for the appeal of full-spectrum oil over other product - CBD and THC may work together to reduce some of THC’s adverse effects
It functions as a negative allosteric modulator of the cannabinoid receptor CB1, which THC binds directly. THC’s binding affinity for that receptor reduces as a result, and some of THC’s impacts are low. When consumers take a mixture of these compounds rather than THC alone, studies have shown that they feel less nervous and euphoric overall. - CBD is becoming popular among pet owners
All mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish have an endocannabinoid system that exerts its effects. Cats and dogs, for example, are recognized to have many of the same physiological and emotional disorders as people. As a result, it is rational – and extensively backed anecdotally – to believe that it may assist our dogs in coping with anxiety, stress, pain, nausea, and other diseases.
Consider these facts before you try products like CBD massage cream for the first time. If you keep yourself up-to-date with all this information, you will not face any adverse effects.
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