Today, Turkish baths (hammams) can be found in almost every corner of the planet. On the Internet, you can easily find dubai hammam, paris hammam, etc. In an ordinary spa center or massage center, you are unlikely to find something like this. However, after visiting the hammam, it is recommended to go for a massage session in the massage parlor Hammams are usually located in separate establishments specializing in this particular type of bath. The term “Turkish bath” is not entirely accurate, since the custom of building steam rooms passed to the Turks from the Arabs, who borrowed them from the Romans during the Syrian wars. Therefore, with their device, oriental baths resemble Roman baths. The classic hammam (“ham” in Arabic means “heat”) resembles a five-fingered palm, the finger of which is a separate room.
Unlike the Russian bath, the Turkish bath has several rooms and each has a different temperature. The design of the hammam in the classic version is as follows:
- at the entrance, a person enters the locker room, where the air temperature is maintained at 28-30 degrees;
- the main hall has a round shape, it contains a gebek – a massage table;
- beams from the main hall diverge adjacent rooms (steam rooms, a room with steam generator equipment, a recreation area);
- pools – round bowls with different water temperatures.
The temperature in the main hall is 40-50 degrees, and in the steam rooms it reaches 70. In Turkish baths, all surfaces are made of marble.
Rules for visiting the hamam
In the first room, the dressing room, you will receive a large towel and slippers, which feature wooden soles. Steaming naked in a Turkish bath is not allowed.
In the main hall, you will have to lie down on a warm marble shelf for up to half an hour to warm up. You will receive a light massage and deep skin cleansing at the same time.
The next procedure is a soapy massage performed by a bathhouse attendant.
After enjoying the soap treatments, you can take a dip in the pool or enjoy all the delights of the jacuzzi.
And now all the above procedures have been completed, you can go to a cool room to drink herbal tea mixed with oriental sweets. When your body has cooled down to natural temperature, you can go outside.
How often can you visit a Turkish bath?
If you go to the hammam regularly, the mood will be fine, the body – fresh and vivacious. Back pain will become a thing of the past, cellulite will also become a memory. In general, hamam acts on the human body as a powerful immunomodulator. Many respiratory diseases disappear. The state of the immune system improves significantly, colds occur less and less, and energy is added. But it is not recommended to visit the Turkish bath too often. If you’ve never done it before, experts advise starting with one hike a week. If you visit the Turkish bath weekly, the effect will be noticeable after a short time. And this is quite enough.
Hammam benefits
According to doctors, visiting the hamam has a positive effect on the state of various organ systems. First of all, hammam is good for the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, procedures in the hammam heal the skin, increase tone and have a calming effect on the nervous system.
A Turkish bath is the best way to relax, relieve chronic fatigue. Soft warming is very useful for problems with the joints, doctors prescribe to visit the hammam for rheumatism. In the hammam you will get rid of stress, relax and rejuvenate. Visiting the Turkish steam room is useful for both women and men. With chronic problems in the genital area, the hammam will be very useful.
Who is contraindicated to visit the Turkish bath? People with cataracts, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hypertension are not recommended to visit the hammam, and for those who have had a heart attack, stroke, suffer from kidney inflammation, thyroid disease and varicose veins, it is strictly prohibited.
In conclusion, I would like to say once again that the hammam is popular all over the world today, and you can visit a real oriental bath at many resorts, while receiving unforgettable sensations and impressions.
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