Smart spraying technology in agriculture keeps being one of the most curious processes that may only be considered today. And, it is not just very interesting to study this topic but it may be a cool idea to implement for those who have their own agricultural business. So, read this article if this is the case.
The first matter that has to be delivered here is this: the smart spraying technology in agriculture is used for the spread of pesticides and irrigation of the fields mainly. It is real to mix pesticides with water and apply them to the areas where it seems to be the most necessary with the help of target detection (by the way, the best variant the farmers can stick to in case of high infestation is to apply the spraying couple of times a month). Let’s take a look at the application of technology apart from these ones.
Using Smart Spraying Technology for Applying Liquid Fertilizers and Spraying Herbicides
This cool advantage is going to be especially relevant if the farmer faces dryland or an area which is prone to soil erosion. In this case, liquid fertilizer can also be effective meaning that it serves as the irrigation of the soil too.
As for herbicides, using smart spraying may be really helpful if the farmer wants to fight the vegetation he does not need. By the way, nowadays there are some selective herbicides that are already accessible. They can also be used in smart sprayers which will be very beneficial for farmers.
Dealing with the Fungicides and Stimulators of the Plant Growth by Means of Smart Spraying
Fungicides are accessible in liquid form nowadays. This makes it possible to apply them in smart sprayers. As for the plant growth regulators, the sprayer is going to be the reason for saving time greatly. The same can be told about the effort too. One of the further advantages here is that it is a nice opportunity to be eco-friendly!
Certainly, the stuff that has been listed above can be arranged with the help of regular sprayers. However, the application of smart spraying is going to change the process in a revolutionary way. Apart from the matter of saving time and effort, there are some other important points to consider.
Why Is It a Good Idea to Stick to Smart Spraying Technology?
- Saving the plants that should be saved. When the conventional sprayer is applied for the purpose of killing unwanted vegetation, there is a risk that the crops will be damaged accidentally. In the case of smart spraying technology, such a mistake does not take place as long as the stuff is spread to the spot where it should be (with the help of target detection again).
- Fast identification of the plants that have to be curd. It is impossible to do this by means of applying the conventional sprayer. It is only the smart system that is able to do it. The images from the cameras are being used for this purpose. Then, there is a thorough analysis of the situation that helps to come up with a certain solution that will suit best in a particular case.
- Thanks to the application of smart spraying technology, it is going to be real to lower the cost of pesticides that are applied. This is easily explained by the fact that they are targeted into a specific spot and therefore, their use gets not that relevant.
- It is also really nice to realize that the application of smart spraying technology is going to allow us to save the health of humans. This is explained by the fact that the stuff is sprayed just on the target that is being identified by the system. Accordingly, there is no extra harm to the area the farmers are working in. Isn’t it cool?
- The farmers do not have to be involved in extra work. This part has already been touched upon a bit but still, there is one more point that has to be considered. The matter is that today, the use of conventional sprayers is still relevant but it will consume far more time compared to the application of the smart spraying tech.
Are There Any Disadvantages in Smart Spraying Technology and What Final Decision to Make?
There is just one negative side to all this. It is the cost. It may seem to be too relevant for some business owners who would like to implement this kind of technology in what they are doing. Nevertheless, they should clearly realize that in the near future, the result from the application of such tech will surely exceed all expectations.
One of the possible difficulties that also have to be kept in mind is as follows: it will inevitably take some time in order to get used to the system of smart spraying and figure out how to work with it in the best way for the farmers. But it is absolutely okay as long as introducing every new tech is about this kind of thing.
By the way, there are not that many components in this stuff that are being used. Those are a sensing system, spraying tech itself, and a response function. The combination of these parts ensures fine work and a great saving of effort for the farmers.
It is only the business owner who can decide whether he will stick to smart spraying technology or not. However, it is vital to know that the pros here certainly outweigh the cons. It is important to bear in mind the opportunity to save labor, effort, and time. Accordingly, it is going to be real to increase productivity and income thanks to the implementation of smart spraying (even though it may not seem that obvious at first sight).
Hope you will be able to make the right decision and succeed in the implementation of smart spraying if you choose it!
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