There are many areas that are facing a space shortage. That is because populations continue to expand, and the space is less. Because of this, many people are finding ways to create more space in their homes.
You can also opt for loft conversions in Surrey if you want to have a creative way to grow your space. One such way is to go about the dormer loft conversion. Here is what you need to know about it.
Dormer Loft Conversion Explained
In simple terms, this type of loft conversion happens when a structure shaped like a box is added to the pitched roof. Doing this creates walls that sit at a ninety-degree angle to the floor. The reason for this is that it will increase not only the floor space but also the headspace.
Of course, the best part is that you will have more room and daylight in your loft space through this conversion. These conversions are suitable for any home. These include detached, semi-detached, and even terraced.
Do You Need Planning Permission For Your Dormer Loft Conversion?
Dormer loft conversions will fall within the permitted development rights. That means you can extend your home without needing permission for planning. However, if you will not qualify for these permitted development rights in such cases:
- The dormer materials don’t go with the rest of your home
- There are bats in your loft. They are protected species, and you need a special license to disturb them
- The dormer height exceeds the original roof height
- You are living in a conservation area or a listed building
- Your neighbors are affected by your dormer because of overshadowing or overlooking
If your project easily falls in the permitted development, then you can apply for the Lawful Development Certificate. It will guarantee that you don’t face any legal issues.
Various Types Of Dormer Loft Conversions
Here are the different types of dormer loft conversions you can select for your home:
- L-Shaped: The dormer has two parts that create an L shape
- Flat Roof: The dormer has a flat roof that will sit horizontally
- Dog-House: This dormer has a roof, and two pitched sides like a traditional dog house
- Shed: It has a flat roof that slopes down
- Hipped: It will be similar to the dog-house dormer. However, it will have three sides
Of course, the one you select will depend on the style of your home, your preferences, and your budget. Once you do, you will have the perfect dormer that will give you use for a long time to come.
Final Words
Many loft conversions in Surrey opt for the dormer loft conversion, and you can too. Once you do, you will have an additional place in your home where you can relax or take in the sunlight. Of course, it is crucial to understand the style that suits your home best so that you can make the right choice that will last you a long time to come.
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