Although your teeth might function as they should, this does not mean that you will necessarily be happy with how they look. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and this is impacting your self-confidence and how you feel when you look in the mirror, here is what you can do about it.
1. Get Your Teeth Straightened
A lot of people do not have enough room in their mouths for all of their teeth, and this can make their teeth look crooked and uneven. Not only this, but damage to your teeth, as well as genetic factors and sucking your thumb as a child can lead to your teeth being imperfect when you are an adult. To make sure that you can get your teeth looking pristine without the need for braces, which can also impact your self-esteem, you should consider opting for clear aligners, a popular option in cosmetic dentistry Las Vegas NV, that can straighten your teeth over time. After a while, you will find that your teeth are in the positions they should be. If you believe this is the right treatment for you, you should look at teeth straightening clinics near you.
2. Look After Your Teeth
To make sure that your teeth do not degenerate any further, you should ensure you take all the steps that you need to look after your teeth. For instance, you should brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day, and you might even choose to use a toothpaste specially developed for whitening. It is also important that you floss to get rid of bacteria in between your teeth that can lead to unsightly tartar. Although you might think that mouthwash can help you to keep your teeth clean, you should be careful with this, as many mouthwashes can contribute towards teeth staining, and they are not always necessary for good oral health.
3. Consider Tooth Whitening
As you get older, you might find that your teeth start to yellow and that brown and black stains appear on them. Even if your teeth are not filled with cavities or covered in plaque, these stains and this colour can damage your perception of yourself, and you might find you start to hide your smile. If you find yourself doing this, you might like to check out tooth whitening treatments, such as laser whitening and home whitening kits, that may be able to improve your teeth and make them white or off-white again.
4. Be Careful What You Eat
Some foods and drinks are more prone to staining your teeth than others. If possible, you should avoid red wine, coffee and tea if you want pearly white teeth. You should also try not to consume too much soy sauce, red berries or curry sauces, as their strong colouring may rub off on your teeth and you might struggle to remove these stains without the help of a professional dentist. If your teeth do become stained, though, you should visit a hygienist to see what they can do for your teeth.
To get the best treatment for your situation, it’s best to visit a dental expert like this one who does cosmetic dentistry in Tallahassee FL.
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