Sadly, there seems to be a stigma about suffering bouts of depression, but the thing is, a lot of us have times when life just wears us down. If you are depressed and don’t seem to be able to brighten your mood, there are things you can do to lift your spirts, often without the use of prescription medications. With that being said, there are also times when medical intervention is necessary so let’s talk about that for just a moment.
Temporary vs. Ongoing Depression
Before looking at natural remedies for depression, it is necessary to determine if this is an ongoing issue or something that is just bothering you recently. It could be something in your life triggered the blues and you just can’t seem to kick it. These would be the times when you might want to seek natural remedies. However, if it is an ongoing issue with you, then it is in your best interest to seek professional help. Don’t let depression get out of control because help really is out there.
Explore Spirituality

Whether you have a background with any religious faith or spiritual philosophy, it often helps to focus on some of life’s lessons as posed by spiritual masters. Meditation is one way to bring positive imagery into your life so that you can focus on the beauty surrounding you rather than the darkness that is weighing you down. Many people find solace in meditating on religious icons such as those found online at stores like Holyart where you can find images of biblical events meant to bring hope to a hopeless world.
Try to Get More Sleep
Sometimes our bodies are just demanding more rest. It could be that a lack of sleep is the catalyst for your depression, and it could be that depression is keeping you from getting the rest you need. Bear in mind that the body (and mind!) heal while in a state of rest so this is one of the ways in which you can naturally lift your mood. If sleep eludes you because you are depressed, then perhaps you might want to lay off the caffeine. You might also want to alter your bedtime routine to some extent. Try to turn anything off that stimulates you at least a half hour before bedtime. Keep your room dimly lit during that time and when you feel your body beginning to unwind, switch off the lights and sleep should come easier.
The key is to determine if this is something you will be battling for long periods of time or if it is a sudden onset of depression that was perhaps triggered by an event or maybe an issue with your health. From eating a healthier diet to supplementing with vitamins such as Vitamin D, you can rejuvenate your body and mind which may be the key to lifting your current state of depression. Again, if your depression goes on long enough or is severe enough to interfere with your life, then it is time to seek professional help. Don’t let depression take over your life. There are solutions you can explore.
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