More people are exercising than ever, but too many are neglecting the most important part of the human body: the brain. Just like every other part of the human body, our brains need to have a good workout regularly. That’s because regular brain workouts can vastly improve our memories, focus, and ability to function at our best in everything we do. In addition, as we get older, stimulating the brain becomes even more important, so it’s always a good idea to start finding a way to give your brain a workout as early as possible. Here are some ideas that anyone can do.
Jigsaw Puzzles
No matter how complex or easy a jigsaw puzzle is, simply completing one is great for the brain. Of course, you can choose something insanely complicated or something that’s incredibly easy, but doing a jigsaw puzzle of any kind is incredibly beneficial for your brain. They can be fun too, especially if you’re doing one with other people.
Card Games
A 2015 study into the positive benefits of playing card games revealed that even a quick card game could boost your memory and thinking skills and even encourage brain volume! A deck of cards can be bought very cheaply, and there are thousands of games to learn how to play. From poker and gin rummy to solitaire online or bridge, learning and then playing a new card game is one of the best workouts you can give your brain.
Escape Games
All kinds of puzzles are good for stimulating the brain, but one of the most popular in recent years is the live escape room. This is where you and some friends enter a room that’s then locked, and you have a time limit to solve the clues in the room so that you can make your escape. Great fun and a brilliant brain exercise session; look at options like the Live Escape Room London for the best of the best. They can be so much fun that you don’t even realize the benefits your brain is getting, and escape rooms could even become your next new hobby.
A Richer Vocabulary
Building a deeper vocabulary is a proven way to keep your brain sharper. Vocabulary tasks are proven to use many different parts of your brain, especially in controlling auditory and visual processing. It’s never been easier to build a better vocabulary, either. If you’re reading on a Kindle, don’t skim over words that you don’t recognize. Instead, highlight them and get their definition. Make notes and read through them regularly. Then, try to integrate those new words into your daily vocabulary.
Learning a Language
If there’s one proven way to stimulate your brain, it’s to learn a new language. Whatever language you choose to learn, it’s a much researched and proven way to improve memory, boost visual-spatial skills, and even improve creativity. Of course, it’s never been easier to get access to language learning either, with resources like Duolingo available to everyone.
Exercising your body is obviously great for your fitness levels, but never overlook the brain when it comes to your workouts. Spend some time working on your brain health, and you might be surprised by how much it can transform and improve your life.
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