As moving around and travelling become increasingly accessible, it’s commonplace that many of us have friendship groups that are spread around the world.
Having friends around the globe is incredibly rewarding. It gives you another perspective on life, opens you up to another culture, and can teach you valuable lessons along the way. Social media means we can stay somewhat connected with what our friends are doing, but is there a more meaningful way to connect? Social media has its perks but certainly can’t be considered quality time.
Read on for a few more meaningful ways you can keep your long-distance friendships alive.
Start a book club
A great way to ensure you’ll take the time to talk properly is to start a book club. This works great with groups but will also work with just two. Select a book for everyone to read, and decide how much time you’ll have to read it. Schedule a call that marks your deadline for reading the book, and you’re sure to have plenty to discuss. Additionally, if you choose a spicy book, you’re sure to be texting each other non-stop as the drama unfolds.
Get old-fashioned
What’s a lovely way to let someone know you’re thinking about them, that goes above and beyond liking their recent post? Send a letter, a postcard, or a special treat through the letterbox. If your long-distance friends speak a different language, a letter may bridge that gap. It gives you the time to consider your work carefully and practice your language skills. If you’re not one for words, send a postcard. It’ll just let them know you’re thinking of them.
If you really want to make their day, send some treats straight to their door. One choice may be a Turkish Delight box! You can send them a range of flavours to try, giving you plenty to discuss.
Play a game or watch a movie
When you have long-distance friendships, it can be fun to do something that would usually only be reserved for in-person meets up. Now, with the power of the internet, there’s not a lot you can’t do. So, schedule a night together. There are a ton of apps that you can use to watch something together in real-time. Choose a film, or binge-watch a series, just don’t forget the popcorn!
Alternatively, you could play a game. If you both play X-Box it’s easy to find something to play together – you could even video call while you play. If you’re not usually the gaming type, you can search for websites where you can log on and play tabletop games together. These activities not only give you loads to chat about, but they also ensure you can keep making memories together from afar.
Of course, regular check-ins on social media are great, but if you want to go that extra mile to connect with your friends, long-distance or not, choose a way to make more memories together. Just remember, that doesn’t always have to mean face to face.
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