World of Warcraft is a game that, despite its age, attracts new players every year. And this is despite the fact that the players who play it from the very beginning are still fans of the games.
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Over the past two decades, World of Warcraft has released many additions. The latest addition is Dragonflight. And new locations, dungeons, and raids are waiting for players there and they will face new enemies in new adventures. But in order for the adventure to go smoothly and easily, here are some tips that will definitely come in handy when preparing your account and pumping in new locations that will surely help you.
Empty your bag of goods and items from previous expansions. If these are goods from Shadowlands, we recommend selling them. Decide what class and what faction you will play for. Accumulate as much gold as possible, it is much more difficult to mine gold in Dragonfligh, we also recommend buying a leveling token.
Let’s start with preparation because good preparation is the key to any success in adventure. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to acquire one or more addons for the game. Let’s figure out which addons will help us and what they are for.
It’s worth installing the HandyNotes: Dragonflight addon right away, it will help you find all the dragon symbols in the game, as well as display rare monsters and chests on the map. It is very convenient and we recommend installing it.
If you are used to taking all the information from knowledge bases, then the TomTom addon will fit into your collection quite well. Its coordinate system is integrated with the wowhead database, and it will also allow you to put on the map, not one (as is the case with the standard interface) but an infinite number of points on a map.
You can add SilverDragon to this assembly, it will target chests, rare monsters, or other valuable objects. And using the TomTom addon, you can set the directions with an arrow for yourself or mention the find in the chat for everyone.
If you get lost in the new dragon capital of Valdrakken, then the best solution is to install HandyNotes: Valdrakken, at least for a while to get used to the location of certain merchants and NPCs.
And the last preparatory moment is to finish all your things in Shadowlands, complete all the achievements you want, catch pets, and collect vehicles. Indeed, in Dragonflight, you will find quite a lot of different activities that can tie you to new locations for a long time. Therefore, at first, there will be no time to return to the old world.
Well, the preliminary preparations are over, it’s time for advice while leveling your character in Dragonflight.
Follow the storyline without paying attention to side tasks and events on the map
Thus, you will not only get a faster dragon, which will greatly simplify the movement around the map, but also open access to various reputations. Also, having completed the entire storyline company, you will unlock the main talents of your dragon and have open access to the weekly task.
Collect dragon symbols
As soon as you get your dragon, start collecting dragon symbols, the HandyNotes: Dragonflight addon will help you with this, it will display symbols and various treasure chests on the map. The more symbols you collect, the longer you can stay in the air on the dragon, thereby greatly simplifying the movement around the map.
Master the use of “Heaven’s Gamble”
It is unlocked along with the “Gambling Race” dragon flying talent, its essence is extremely simple: you dive down at an angle and thereby restore the dragon’s stamina right in the air. But first, you need to fly higher, and for this, use your dragon’s basic ability as “Rise Up”. With this talent, you can easily fly from one part of the map to another. Therefore, it is necessary to study it as soon as possible.
Selling of items
Sell all the resources, items, and recipes you get from various sources. Every day, their prices will only fall, otherwise, you will snatch at least 20-30% more gold. The higher the level of fame among players, the more sources they will be able to receive resources, which will significantly reduce their value.
Bind the return stone to the new capital of Valdrakken
Everything you need is there, including portals to the main capitals. And of course, always leave your character in the rest area before leaving the game so you will get more experience the next time you log in.
In conclusion
Overall, while WoW can be complex and challenging to play, it offers a rich and rewarding gaming experience for those who are willing to invest the time and effort to learn it. The new addition to World of Warcraft, Dragonflight was released on November 29, 2022. But the game has already won a large fan base, which is getting bigger. Try to apply our tips in the game and enjoy Dragonflight too.
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