Accidents are a major source of concern for many business owners, and it’s understandable. No one wants to lose employees because of an injury and have to deal with everything else that comes with it. You also have to think about the people coming in and out of your building. If a customer or an outside worker injures themselves and it is found that you were negligent, then you might face serious legal action. This is why you need to do everything in your power to prevent common accidents from happening. Here are a few simple ways to prevent accidents in and around your business.
Use PPE Signs Wisely
There are cases where you will be mandated to add PPE signs, but you should always go beyond the strict minimum if you’re serious about workplace safety. You should have PPE signs informing workers of hard hat areas or areas where they should be putting high visibility jackets on to avoid collisions. You can also put signs to show where people should be wearing respirators, ear protection, or safety eyewear. If you want a place where you can get great signs, you should check out this manufacturer of PPE-Signs.
Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents
Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common types of accidents in business places and workplaces around the country. Fortunately, a lot of these accidents can be prevented by making smart decisions.
This is another area where PPE signs could help. If there’s a spill, then you should add signs to warn people and use spill absorbents as soon as possible. But one of the best ways to prevent slip and fall accidents is to reconfigure your floor to offer people more free space. This will reduce the chances that they trip over a piece of equipment because the space was too crowded.
Limit Manual Handling and Lifting
The more your employees have to carry boxes and items and the longer the distance these items have to travel, the greater the chance that your employees will suffer an injury. So, think about that when storing anything. Make sure that the items your employees have to handle routinely are easily accessible, and if they aren’t, make sure that you provide your employees with the tools needed to pick them up safely.
You should also pay special attention to the weight of the boxes. Ideally, heavier boxes should be closer to the ground to prevent incidents.
Add Automation where Possible
If you have human employees doing repetitive and strenuous tasks, you should see if you could use automation to either alleviate their workload or eliminate the position. Repetitive movements are one of the greatest reasons for workplace injuries not only because of how they impact the body but also because many employees will lose focus when performing them and injure themselves as a result. So, take a long hard look at your processes today and see what could be automated.
If you apply these few tips, you’ll be able to significantly reduce injuries in your place of business and around it. Take the time to look at the general state of your premises and don’t hesitate to get your employees involved either.
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