Are you looking for ways to make your office more energy efficient and reduce your business energy bills? Use the tips and tricks provided here to start seeing a difference.
Inflation is running wild and energy bills are through the roof. As a result, millions of business owners around the world are searching for smart and low-cost ways to make their office buildings more energy efficient. This way, they get to save lots of money which can then be used for other important business functions. It makes perfect sense.
To start making your office more energy efficient, you don’t need to knock it down and start fresh. Instead, simply apply these tips and tricks. Whether you operate in a small or large building, you should find that these tips will work for you.
1. Air Tightness Testing
Air tightness testing is a government-regulated test that measures how much air is escaping from your building. As a general example, it can uncover that a business is experiencing lots of air loss through leaks and drafts in different parts of the office. Not only is this bad for the environment, but it also means that the business will be wasting money on energy bills, which isn’t ideal.
So, by having an air tightness test done by a professional, you can quickly discover if there are any problem areas in your office that need addressing. If there are, then they can be fixed, and you can quickly start to be more energy efficient. It’s a no-brainer.
2. Switch from PCs to Laptops
Not many business owners know that laptops are more energy efficient than PCs. Specifically, laptops consume 80% less electricity than PCs, which is quite staggering when you put it into context. So many businesses could be saving countless amounts of money if they simply ditched their desktops and gave employees laptops and tablets to use, instead — it’s crazy.
Also, don’t make the mistake of leaving your office tech, such as PCs and laptops, running in the background when employees aren’t using them. Employees should be instructed to turn off their devices as soon as they’re finished with them (e.g., during lunch breaks or when they go home at the end of the day). If they don’t do this, then your business office will struggle to be energy efficient.
3. Go Hybrid
Either one or two days a week, allow your office employees to work from home. This way, your office will be draining less energy and you’ll get to save money in the process. On top of this, you might even find that some employees report that they prefer working from home and that it actually boosts their performance levels. It’s a win-win situation.
4. Turn Down the Heat
Sometimes, business owners and managers make the mistake of leaving the heating on all day at a very high temperature when this simply doesn’t need to be the case. For example, on mild weather days, you can easily turn the heating down (or completely off) without your employees being affected.
Summary — Be More Energy Efficient and Help the Planet
Make your office more energy efficient by following the simple tips and tricks you’ve just read above. Pretty quickly, you should start to see a positive difference as energy efficiency and cost-savings become a reality for your business.
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