2021 Digital Trends: Discover the latest trends of 2021 in the rapidly advancing digital world every year!
In the digital world where being data-oriented has become a necessity, being efficient in the long run requires following new trends. As we approach the end of 2020, when the importance of artificial intelligence has increased, chat-based marketing techniques are intensified, and the masses meet the concept of podcast broadcasting, it is wondered what digital innovations await the world in 2021.

In the dynamic digital world where speed and functionality are at the forefront, innovations in different fields come up every year. As a result of the awareness that digitalization plays a vital role due to the pandemic, innovations in many areas from hybrid cloud technology to 5G to Wi-fi 6 to hypero automation are getting ready to enter our lives. Read more 2021 digital trends.
2021 Digital Trends
Hybrid cloud technology will become widespread
By combining hybrid cloud structures with private cloud and public cloud structures, organizations facilitate business processes. Hybrid investments are made with the potential to add flexibility to IT infrastructures. Covid 19, which emerged at the end of 2019, made it more noticeable that the cloud is agile and adaptable in case of sudden interruptions. Therefore, companies around the world are expected to accelerate their cloud investments. See more 2021 digital trends below.
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Video content will increase

Video marketing solidifies its position in the industry and continues to be the backbone of marketing professionals. Video content helps visitors increase the average time spent on the page, better understand the benefits of products or services, decrease the number of support calls and increase sales. In 2021, we will see more videos. Below more from 2021 digital trends.
In addition to video content, voice content will also increase. Podcast and other types of voice and/or sound content will develop and we will access more content which we can listen and learn. That’s why we already started to see hosting providers specifically for podcast content. There is a couple of unlimited podcast hosting providers which you can take a look at and find our more. One of them is Captivate. We searched the web and found a useful Captivate review for you. Another great option is Melon podcast host, which offers leading podcasting software, and you can also get started for free.
More emphasis will be placed on hyperautomation
With the pandemic, it was understood that everything should be digital first. In this context, the importance of hyper-automation, which increases the contribution of companies to digital transformation by including more tools and people in digital processes, is also increasing. In 2021, the automation of everything will become a necessity, not a choice, and hypero automation, which combines artificial intelligence and robotic process automation (RPA), will become widespread. Get more 2021 digital trends below.
Wi-fi 6 network connectivity will become widespread

Wi-fi 6, which we started to hear more in late 2019, represents a new wireless networking standard. Wi-fi 6, which can reach speeds of 10Gbps and 12Gbps, is among the network trends that will shape 2021. Thanks to WiFi 6, users will each be able to provide faster and more consistent connections in environments where more devices are connected to the network. No deterioration in performance or response time will make Wi-fi 6 technology a trend in the new post-pandemic world. Read more 2021 digital trends below.
Chatbots will rise
The chatbot system, which is widely used in digital marketing in 2020, helps the company to establish a strong relationship with them by tracking various customers. Chatbots have the potential to reduce operational costs by up to 30 percent. According to the research, which reveals that 50 percent of companies plan to spend more on chatbots than mobile applications, chatbots will become more popular in 2021 and beyond. More than 1.6 billion people will be using voice assistants regularly by the end of 2021. Continue reading to see more of 2021 digital trends.
Cyber security will be in focus

Cyber security is increasing in importance every day. Cyber attackers have used the pandemic to expand their attack campaigns against businesses around the world. Attacks on cloud servers increased by 600 percent between January and April 2020 alone. In the digital world, where there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds, it is expected that over 6 trillion dollars will be invested in cybersecurity by the end of 2021. Below are additional 2021 digital trends.
Social trade will become widespread
The fact that 3.7 billion of the world population of 7.7 billion are active social media users and 3.6 billion are mobile social media users, shows that social networks are the most easily accessible showcases for consumers. The fact that the average basket in e-commerce with social networks increased by 59 percent compared to the previous year and reached 152 TL, reveals the importance of social commerce. In 2021, the fashion of the e-commerce sector will be social commerce and social commerce will become widespread as the rising shopping model of the digital age. Keep reading to see more 2021 digital trends.

Online CRM will explode
As consumers are aware that competition is only a click away if their needs are not met and their expectations are not fulfilled in the digital age, omni channel marketing becomes more important.
Omni channel marketing, which ensures harmony between all marketing channels throughout the purchasing process, has significant potentials when combined with online CRM technology. In the digital age where customer relationships are much more important, CRM software can work wonders for small businesses. In 2021, when the Omni channel approach will be on the rise, CRM will also rise. This rise will ultimately lead to an increase in demand for online courses like the Salesforce course in London among professionals who will be willing to grow their businesses.
The value of 5G will be understood more

In the process of combating the pandemic in 2020, companies around the world have decided that white-collar employees work from home. The logic of “where the Internet is where the office is” has turned the eyes to 5G technology all over the world. 5G has the potential to provide higher speeds compared to fiber networks operating at an average speed of 150-200 Mbps.
Since the remote working method, in which the pandemic process brings out its benefits, is a working method used for efficiency beyond being an alternative, lower latency, higher capacity, enhanced flexibility, security and real-time services will gain importance. For this reason, 5G technology, which we have heard for years, will be more concrete. So much so that researches show that 5G networks will cover one third of the world population by 2025.

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