Developing a healthy morning routine is vital, as this is what will set you up for the next 24 hours and ensure that you can be your best self every day of the week, no matter what the rest of your day has in store. Then, here are some of the best tips that you can follow to get a morning routine that is as healthy as possible.
Eat a healthy breakfast
Breakfast is a very important meal as it gives you the energy and nutrients that you need to get through the day feeling energetic and well. Therefore, you should consider starting your day with a solid breakfast staple, such as porridge from Mornflake, which comes in easy-to-make sachets. To ensure that you get some of your five a day into your breakfast, you should consider topping your porridge with fruit, such as bananas and blueberries. This will ensure that you do not start flagging or snacking before lunch.
This dentist in Cleveland also recommends that you brush your teeth 30 minutes after eating breakfast, especially if you drink coffee. This may seem like a no-brainer, but some people still miss doing a simple brushing in the morning due to their busy schedules.
Go for a run
The morning is one of the best times of the day to go for a run. Going for a morning run can help to get your blood pumping and your metabolism going, and you will likely find that you will be in a better mood throughout the day when you start it with exercise. Then, you should consider getting up half an hour or so earlier to jog around your local area of natural beauty. However, if this is not possible, or if you dislike running with a vengeance, you should consider doing morning stretches or press-ups to get your body going, especially if it feels stiff after a night of sleep or even a 5-minute workout or HIIT routine.
Use a sleep app
If you wake up every day having had enough sleep and still do not feel refreshed, you should consider downloading a sleep app on your mobile phone. This app can monitor your sleep cycle and help you to wake up at the right time rather than being jolted out of sleep by your alarm at the wrong time in your cycle. This will then make sure that you do not spend the first few hours of your day in a foggy haze and will ensure that every moment of shut-eye that you get is worth it. A sleep app can also allow you to see whether you are getting enough deep sleep or not, which is vital if you want to avoid feeling tired as soon as you wake up.
Drink water
Rather than gulping down a mug of coffee every morning, you should swap this for water. Although coffee might help you to wake up and feel energetic for a couple of hours, you will only crash later in the day and feel worse. Additionally, you may struggle to sleep when you try to fall into sweet dreams the next evening. Therefore, you should try to drink a glass of water before you head to work, as this will prevent you from feeling dehydrated and ensure that you get the water you need before being sucked into the tasks on your to-do list. To help you stay hydrated, you can order hydration packets from skyMD.
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