With summer coming to an end, now is a smart time to start getting your home ready for the winter months. Winter can be a lovely time of the year in the UK, but the cold and wet weather can make life difficult at home. Therefore, it is important to take action to ensure that your home remains a warm, dry, and comfortable place to spend time so that you can enjoy cosy evenings. There are a few steps that every homeowner should take now to make sure that their home is fully prepared for the colder, wetter months ahead. Read on to find out more.
Get Your Boiler Serviced
A good starting point is to get your boiler serviced. You will be reliant on your boiler for warmth and hot water during the colder months, so you will not want any issues to arise that could cause problems. Getting the boiler serviced will ensure it is in the best possible condition for the most challenging months of the year.
Bleed The Radiators
It is also a good idea to bleed the radiators to ensure that they are working efficiently during winter. Bleeding the radiators frees any trapped air, which will provide consistent warmth throughout the home. Bleeding the radiators involves turning off the heating and turning the bleed valve with a radiator key – you should hear a hissing sound as the trapped air escapes. Be sure to put down a cloth and container under the bleed valve to collect excess water. Once the water flows without air bubbles, you can close the valve.
Get Insulation Installed
You want to make sure that your home is properly insulated during the colder months. This will make it easier to keep in the warm air and the cold air out, allowing you to maintain a comfortable temperature and reduce reliance on your heating system – this will help you make savings over the long term. Rockwool insulation is a good option as this is a mineral wool, which is known for its excellent thermal insulation properties. It is also non-combustible, making it a smart choice for areas where fire resistance is important. There are many types available, including cavity wall insulation and internal wall insulation.
Prepare The Roof & Gutters
You should also prepare the roof and gutters before the weather turns to ensure your home is properly protected during the harsh conditions. This will involve inspecting the roof for damaged and missing shingles and removing leaves and debris from the gutters and downspouts.
Check Windows & Doors
Inspecting the windows and doors is another important task. You want to make sure that they are in good condition and seal gaps to prevent heat loss. If you have large windows, window insulation film can add an extra layer of protection—a lot of energy is lost through the windows.
Junk Removal
The summer and preceeding winter will mean a lot of rubbish around the home and removal of this can make a big difference when getting your home ready for winter. If you’re interested in rubbish removal then contact Junk Removal Fife.
These are the main steps to take to prepare your home for the winter months. This should ensure that you can keep your home warm and comfortable for the colder months of the year.
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