Hot tubs are HOT— especially when it’s cold outside. So, you are at home after a long day of work in the cold weather and looking for some quick warmth. Yes— there’s your hot tub; add some chemicals and jump in. NO, it will be a great mistake, and you cannot regret it enough.
But why?
Well, it takes some time for the chemicals to work and prepare the water for you. Entering your hot tub right after adding chemicals can cause serious health issues. So, how soon can you use a hot tub after adding chemicals?
Let’s find out.
How soon can you use a hot tub after adding chemicals?
It depends on the chemicals you use. Since you can add a wide range of chemicals to your hot tub for different purposes, it’s hard to point out how long you should wait before soaking in.
But don’t worry.
In this article, we’ll discuss different hot tub and lazy spa chemicals and the timeframe required for them to be functional.
How long to wait to use a hot tub after adding chlorine?
In general, for chlorine-based products, it’s wise to wait at least 30 minutes before you test it again for chlorine-based products to ensure it’s safe for use. If it’s just a shock, wait 10 minutes and 20 minutes respectively for non-chlorine and chlorine shock. But don’t forget to test them once again before you start using the hot tub.
How long to wait to use a hot tub after adding bromine?
If you add bromine or chlorine to your hot tub spa water, wait more than 12 hours. However, 12 hours will be fine, but for extra precautions, you can just wait a few more minutes, right? During this time, the chemical components will interact with the water and sanitise it properly for you.
The waiting time between Chlorine and Bromine are really surprising. But why— you may ask. Let’s see the differences between these two chemicals.
Chlorine vs. Bromine
Hot tub users are very familiar with both— Chlorine and Bromine. Both are good water sanitisers. Still, they have many differences.
The main difference between these two chemicals that you might notice is the time required to get dissolved in water. Chlorine dissolves faster, while Bromine takes longer and depending on the level, it can take up to 24 hours to fully dissolve and work properly.
However, Bromine is more effective in hot water and lasts long. But Chlorine loses its functionality if the water is hot. Even though Bromine tends to work better in hot tubs, you won’t find them cheap. Compared to the other chemical, it’s more expensive. Hence, most people use Chlorine in their pool and Bromine in the hot tubs.
Again, Bromine goes easy on eyes and skin and yes— the smell doesn’t irritate like Chlorine. Besides, you don’t have to apply Bromine as frequently as Chlorine, making it more efficient.
So, now that you know the best hot tub chemicals, why not move on to the next section?
How long should you wait after adding any pH & alkalinity balancer?
Usually, adding a pH level modifier to up/down the pH level status doesn’t require any waiting time. But you shouldn’t be too impatient, and it’s recommended you must read the product details and restrictions to avoid any accidents.
When you change the water, remember to use some shock treatments to kick-start the process. Although you have other options, why not start with the simplest ones? There are plenty of hot tub chemicals available in the market. But don’t go after any random ones as you certainly don’t want to affect your hot tub’s performance over time. Buy the best hot tub chemicals online and run the tests to confirm it’s safe for you.
What may go wrong if i add more chlorine and use it too soon?
I’ve added too much chlorine in the water and entered too soon— I’m scared!!
Yes, we hear this too often. Well, there are some health risks, but they are not lethal. So, relax; not in the hot tub, though.
Get out of the water and take a shower with fresh water first. If you were in the water for too long, rashes may appear. Itching and redness are the most common symptoms that your hot tub water contains chemicals more than necessary or ideal.
If you are in such an unfortunate situation, consult your doctor. For sensitive skin, it may go a long way. For others, going through it won’t be that tough.
Is there a way to avoid waiting after adding chemicals in a hot tub?
As stated earlier, Chlorine takes less time to dissolve. So, you can wait for 10-20 minutes and soak in. If that’s still too long for you, you can use alternatives to Chlorine sanitizers.
For instance, you can sanitize your hot tub with the natural saltwater method. There are other options like UV, Ozonneators and such. They are more environment-friendly and getting popular these days. Since they are safe for any age and any skin; regardless of sensitivity, you can use them with confidence. Besides, they are the perfect alternative to strong chemicals. So, instead of relaxing in a hot tub full of harsh chemicals, you and your family can gather around to enjoy a more natural bathing experience.
Moreover, it’s cheap, requires low maintenance, and allows gentle soaking.
Final words
Waiting after adding chemicals in a hot tub can be painful. While there are some alternatives, using the traditional lazy spa chemicals seem to be still dominant. So, considering the risk factors, you must wait for a reasonable amount of time—ranging from 30 minutes to 12 hours or more; so the relaxation doesn’t result in discomfort.
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