Our 5 yoga poses to ease back pain will help you relieve your pain and strengthen your waist if you have herniated disc pain or other back pain.
Many of us act to bend our spine forward during the day, and we often don’t even realize it. When weak back and abdominal muscles cannot protect the muscles and ligaments around the waist, we can often experience low back pain. Working in particular can damage the lumbar region, as it requires constantly standing in an inclined position. In addition to these, factors such as sudden movements, unbalanced load and stress can cause low back pain. Let’s dive into 5 yoga poses to ease back pain.
Best Yoga Poses to Ease Back Pain
If you take time for stretching and strengthening exercises for only 15-20 minutes every day, it is possible to relieve your lower back pain by activating your lower back and back muscles. Create a flow in which you will perform the following poses in order and, being aware of your breath, try to stay in the poses for several breaths with slow movements. Breathing is important for yoga poses to ease back pain.
However, if you have a serious illness, if a herniated disc is diagnosed, you should not forget to consult your doctor before performing the yoga poses to ease back pain.
Related Resource: 17 Yoga Poses for All-Natural Pain Relief
Cat-cow pose (Marjaryasana / Bitilasana)

This pose is ideal for starting a simple flow. It relaxes and stretches the lumbar region by allowing the vertebra to bend inward and outward. Place your hands under your shoulders, making sure you don’t feel any pressure on your arms and wrists. Your knees should be positioned just under your hips and there should be no stinging sensation on your knees. After finding a comfortable posture, take a deep breath, straightening your back and spine as much as possible while exhaling. Apart from this, you can use magnesium oil for pain management.

While breathing, press the upper parts of your hands and feet that touch the metal, and get strength and roll your spine outwards. Roll your spine inward while doing the opposite motion while exhaling, let your abdomen and throat stretch. Continue reading to see additional yoga poses to ease back pain.
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
This pose acts by providing a stretch on the line starting from the heels to your neck. In particular, it stimulates the muscles behind the legs to open, making it ideal for easing the load on the lumbar region. In order to switch to pose, raise your hips firmly by getting power from your hands while in all fours pose. Let the muscles behind your legs stretch. If you cannot straighten your legs fully, you can also enter the pose with your knees slightly bent at the beginning.

When you create a full triangle with your body, relax here, make sure your weight is spread evenly on both hands and both feet. Feel your spine straightening, from the coccyx to the nape. After staying in this pose for a few breaths, walk with your feet step by step towards your hands and slowly, with the strength of your legs, straight up, stand up and relax. Below are other yoga poses to ease back pain.
Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

After the downward-facing dog pose, you got up, stood up, now it is bending forward again, stretching the waist well. Raise your arms up, even rise up to slightly bend your spine back, then slowly release your arms by tilting your head, neck, and then your entire body forward. In the meantime, make sure that both feet are firmly on the ground.
Lean as much as you can, leaning your hands to your knees, shinbone, or feet for support if necessary. This pose is effective against low back pain by facilitating the opening of the back of the legs. It also stimulates the muscles around the waist because of the strong bending forward. You can repeat the Uttanasana pose by raising your arms several times and leaning again. Keep reading to see the next of yoga poses to ease back pain.
Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

Balancing the waist and spine by providing a slight back bend after intense bending forward, this pose is ideal for low back pain. Lie face down, stretch your feet well back. Raise your torso with support from your hands and stretch your head up until your waist is slightly bent.
Release your shoulders, neck and hips as much as possible. The distance of your feet from each other will affect the bending of your waist. Stay here for a few breaths when you find a back stretch that won’t bother you. This is a good one from yoga poses to ease back pain.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)

After staying in the sphinx pose for a while, lie on your face again, rest for one or two breaths, get strength again from your hands and knees, and lower your hips on your heels again. Extend your arms well forward.
Leave yourself completely and rest in this pose, which once again forms a rolling on the waist. If you wish, return to the cat-cow pose by getting back to all fours pose and repeat the series. After finishing your flow, do not forget to relax completely on the mat for a few minutes in Shavasana pose by lying on your back. Now, you can ease your pain with 5 yoga poses to ease back pain.
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“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”
― B.K.S Iyengar
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