During colder seasons, many people dream about going to the beach, swimming in the sea, or sunbathing. Spending a day at the seaside is undoubtedly glorious, but it can also be pretty harmful to your body if you do not establish post-beach skin and hair routines. Thus, it is essential to understand how to properly take care of your skin and hair.
In this article, you will find seven tips for post-beach skin and hair care to protect them from high temperatures and saltwater and keep them as healthy as possible. These tips include incorporating moisturizers, using mild hair care products, staying hydrated, applying SPF daily, exfoliating your feet, and many more. You can read all about SPF here. So read on to always be happy and healthy!
Shower Immediately After Returning From the Beach
If you just got back from the beach, it is best to wash your body as soon as possible. This is because seawater and sand can cause infections, irritate your skin, and make it even dirtier and drier than it already is.
Taking a shower will allow you to remove pollutants and dirt that may lead to infections. Skin and hair infections are commonly caused by dirt accumulation and it’s best to use scalp eczema shampoo to prevent this kind of nuisance. Also, do not forget to ensure that your hair is clean too. Thus, you should always take a shower right after the beach and before going to bed and use a mild shampoo to keep your hair healthy.
Use Mild Hair Care Products
The sun can damage your hair in many different ways – from making it colorless and lifeless to frizzy, brittle, and damaged. Therefore, it is essential to protect your hair and provide it with gentle care, using mild hair care products.
Experts from Scissor Tech recommend avoiding products that contain alcohol or other chemicals, such as ammonia or sulfates, as they can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause further damage. Instead, opt for milder products and keep your hair hydrated with coconut oil or shea butter.
Moisturize Your Skin After the Beach
When you spend a day at the beach, there’s a good chance that your skin will be a bit dry. Therefore, it is essential to moisturize it after returning from the beach. Remember that the sun and seawater can cause extreme dehydration and make your skin dry and flaky. Therefore, you have to use a moisturizer that will hydrate your skin and keep it soft.
However, remember that your skin needs time to breathe even after moisturizing. Thus, you should always moisturize it after taking a shower, but make sure you use lightweight body lotions that will not make your skin feel sticky.
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Apply SPF Daily
If you spend the day in the sun at the beach, you have to apply sunscreen on a daily basis. Make sure to choose a sunscreen with a high SPF of 30 or higher and use it before going out of the house.
The most effective SPF is 50 – but such products are usually too heavy and greasy for day-to-day use. Thus, opt for products with an SPF of 30 or higher since they are easy to apply and protect sensitive skin from sunburns and melanoma.
Drink Plenty of Water
Whether you’re at the beach or not, it is essential to drink plenty of water every day. But if you just returned from the beach, it is vital to consume more than usual because water-based activities and prolonged exposure to the sun make you extra thirsty.
It is crucial to stay hydrated as dehydration negatively affects your overall well-being, while drinking plenty of water can help your skin look fresh and smooth. So drink as much as you can – but no less than eight glasses of water a day.
Exfoliate Your Feet
Exfoliating your feet can remove dead skin and clean them properly. Besides, long barefoot walks along the beach can scrub your feet, but they also will make them dry. Thus, do not wait until the first cracks will show up – instead, exfoliate your feet every week or two. Remember that exfoliating your feet does not only involve washing them with a loofah – instead, you should also apply a foot cream afterward to moisturize your skin.
Change Your Bedding Regularly
It is crucial to change your bedding on a regular basis. If you spend a day at the beach, you will surely get dirty. Thus, it is essential to wash and change your pillowcases and blankets at least once a week to protect your skin and hair from dirt, allergens, pollutants, and other irritations.
Sleeping on clean sheets will allow your body to breathe, avoid inflammation issues like eczema and or acne, which can become more troublesome during hot months.
Final Note
Spending a day at the beach is undoubtedly great fun – but you should always take care of your body afterward. This is why it is essential to establish post-beach skin and hair routines to protect your skin and hair from the sun, pollution, and other hazards.
This will be perfect if, for example, you’re looking for other things to do in Myrtle beach and you saw a broadway show you want to watch.
Remember that the sun can cause dehydration and make your skin flaky and dry. Thus, you should use moisturizers and apply SPF daily. You should also protect your hair from the sun, so opt for mild hair care products that contain fewer chemicals and more natural ingredients.
Acquiring these habits will allow you to keep your skin and hair as healthy as possible during this summer season!

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