Tons of drugs have made headlines in the healthcare industry for one reason or another. But today, Valsartan, a really popular blood pressure medication, seems to have taken the top spot on our list.
Recently, there have been concerns over contamination, which has prompted health agencies to recall the drug. As far as your health is concerned, avoiding these contaminated medications should be a top priority.
There’s a lawsuit related to this in progress. Understanding the Valsartan cancer lawsuit is essential if you have already been diagnosed with any sickness linked to ingesting Valsartan.
What diseases or health risks can a contaminated Valsartan cause? If you’d like to know, stick with us. This article explains everything you need to know and look out for when it comes to contaminated Valsartan.
What Diseases Can You Get from Taking Contaminated Valsartan?
Here are some of the disorders associated with tainted Valsartan.
1. Liver Cancer

Taking valsartan tainted with NDMA, a carcinogen, can increase the chances of liver cancer and other malignant tumors. Long-term exposure to this chemical can damage the liver and increase the risk of cancer. A study discovered that people who took valsartan had a higher risk of cancer, particularly liver cancer.
Patients are now considering legal action to hold manufacturers accountable for the potential health risks associated with contaminated valsartan.
2. Melanoma
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that is caused by ingesting contaminated Valsartan. The risk of melanoma goes up when you have been exposed to NDMA for a certain amount of time.
The aggressive nature of the cancer can alter your skin in ways that just feel off. And worst of all, melanoma spreads fast to other parts of the organ, which can be life-threatening if not handled early.
Early diagnosis cannot be overestimated to ensure the right treatments are being administered to stop the disease from getting worse.
3. Pancreatic Cancer
Contaminated Valsartan has been associated with the silent killer, pancreatic cancer. This cancer shows symptoms like jaundice, abdominal pain, and weight loss, which are results of NDMA in the tainted medication.
Due to the delayed onset of symptoms, diagnosing this disease can take a really long time. This is because the symptoms can be mistaken for other diseases, which in turn makes treatment more difficult. Combating this severe disease requires prompt medical intervention.
4. Uterine Cancer
A study found that 8% of people who ingested contaminated valsartan had a low but not significantly higher chance of uterine cancer. While it is a fact that NDMA causes cancer, the risk of getting cancer from this tainted medication is still uncertain. As more research is still ongoing, studies are in place to fully understand the long-term effects of the tainted drug.
Wrapping Up
It’s unsettling to think that a medication meant to help could actually cause harm, but that’s the reality with contaminated Valsartan.
This whole situation reminds us how crucial it is to be aware of what’s in our medications and to push for better safety measures in the industry.
If you’ve been using Valsartan and are worried about its effects, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor to discuss any concerns.
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