There are only a few aspects of our looks that we can control, and most of those are also directly or indirectly related to our health and wellbeing. With that connection between looking good and being well in focus, we will briefly go over some of the controllable factors next.
Straighten Your Teeth
Unfortunately, most adults with crooked teeth are not aware that they can still straighten their teeth in private. As Straight My Teeth explains, there are clear braces to help straighten your teeth discreetly as an adult. Moreover, their entire teeth straightening package with FDA-approved clear teeth braces cost less than a third of what an orthodontist usually charges for providing similar services in the UK. Visit the site linked above even if you just need more information on things such as, ‘how do braces work?’ and, ‘which type would be the best fit for correcting malocclusions?’
Once the teeth braces are taken off permanently, post completion of the treatment period, you will have that perfect smile, which is one of the most charming elements of human aesthetics. At the same time, you will also have avoided high chances of suffering from tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis and even an entire range of temporomandibular joint disorders. If you already have developed anyone or more of these conditions, they are likely to improve after the teeth straightening. Do consult your dentist first, if you have severe gum disease or any other present ailments that might need treatment first. To know about clear braces, consult an Invisalign dentist in Melbourne that offers good service at a reasonable cost. Alternatively, if you live in California, you can check out this Dentist in Huntington Park CA to get started.
Minimise Sugar Intake
Did you know regular sugar consumption beyond the minimum requirements can directly and indirectly affect our health and beauty simultaneously? Go through the following proven relationships to understand how the seemingly simple act of minimising sugar intake can help you become more beautiful and healthier:
- Overconsumption of sugar breaks down collagen through glycation, causing premature wrinkles, flaccid, hardened, and inflamed skin
- Sugary foods are the leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease, which will inevitably affect the quality of your smile and a lot of pain!
- Sugar and trans-fats can come together in an unhealthy combination to raise your blood sugar, initiate instances of severe acne breakouts and eventually, diabetes
- The infamous sugar rush and crash are real things, which can lead to insomnia, dark circles, depression, and lethargy
Exercise Regularly
Exercise helps you to stay in shape and avoid the root cause of most health issues, which is obesity. Alongside maintaining your aesthetic figure, you will also be able to:
- Prevent premature aging
- Slow down the aging process in general
- Have a good night’s sleep, which will have a positive effect on your skin and hair
- Mitigate the chances of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and Type II diabetes
- Mitigate the chances of developing cancer in your bladder, kidney, colon, stomach, oesophagus, endometrium, lung and breast
- Even in the short term, exercise releases endorphins, which are responsible for lifting your mood and preventing lethargy
- There is a clear connection between regular exercise and collagen production
- Exercise and balanced diets can slow down and even prevent bone density loss, which is responsible for losing bodily shape and posture
- There is a clear link between mental alertness and regular exercise as we age, and even when we are young
After 30, we lose a significant percentage of our muscle mass every decade or so. This is what leads to loose skin, wrinkles and a sagging face. The worst part is that the gap left behind by lost muscle mass is filled in by fat. It is possible to fight against age related muscle loss and fat accumulation by incorporating a light but regulated weight training regimen suited for your age and medical conditions.
Hydrate Yourself
Coffee has its own positive effects, but it will also leave you dry and induce premature aging with fine lines if you do not hydrate yourself adequately. In fact, regular exercise without proper hydration will counteract most of the positive effects that we discussed. Drink three litres of water every day and hydrate your skin with a hydrating serum if needed. Sometimes, topical introduction of moisture can help dry skin produce collagen at a higher rate, which is good for both your health and looks. Hydraulic acid and vitamin B5 combinations usually make for excellent skin hydrating agents.
As far as coffee itself is concerned though, we cannot ignore the fact that, in moderation and with proper hydration, coffee can be an excellent antioxidant with several health and beauty benefits that we don’t even realise.
Do not consider someone in a beauty magazine as a yardstick of beauty. Instead, just focus on being the best version of your own self. Conveniently enough, the fact is that, when we focus on our health and wellbeing, we become more beautiful naturally.
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