There are many situations out there that can make you feel truly devastated, and losing your job is definitely one of the more painful and inconvenient ones out of the bunch. It might be particularly difficult if you are used to working in an industry that has started ceasing operations and is dealing with serious financial issues.
Fortunately, there are quite a few things that you can do in order to deal with redundancy quickly and effectively – although in some cases, advocacy services for unfair dismissal may be necessary. Do you want to know how you can deal with the situation? If your answer is yes, you should definitely keep reading!
In this article, you will find a list of tips that will help you deal with being made redundant, including familiarizing yourself with your rights, analyzing the way you are feeling, managing your money, keeping yourself busy, getting in touch with a mental health professional, and looking for a support group.
Know Your Rights
In the United Kingdom, everyone has a right to a minimum period of notice. The length of it depends on how long you have been working for your employer. For example, if you are an employee who has been working there for more than two years, you are entitled to one month’s notice.
If you have been working for your company for less than two years, your employer is only required to give you one week’s notice. If your company is going through a crisis and is not able to keep employing staff and paying their wages and pension contributions, you might be entitled to redundancy payments.
The best thing you can do to understand how to deal with your situation is to learn more about employees’ rights – whether by checking the UK’s regulations, your local laws, or even consulting a lawyer. You should also study your employment contract and check whether there is any information regarding the redundancy issue. You should also check your contract before signing it whenever you get hired for a new position.
Analyze the Way You Are Feeling
Being made redundant is a big deal. Some people might feel angry, upset, and betrayed. Others might be shocked and confused about what they are supposed to do. Unfortunately, this situation might trigger unhealthy emotional reactions that might cause you to act in ways that you would otherwise not. For example, you might suddenly start drinking too much.
In order to deal with redundancy in the best way possible, you will need to ensure that you are analyzing the way you are feeling on a daily basis and doing everything that you can in order to keep yourself healthy, happy, and stress-free. If you are unable to ensure that yourself, consulting a specialist (for example, a therapist) may help.
Contact a Mental Health Professional
If you are dealing with redundancy and you feel like you might be going through a mental health crisis, it is very important that you talk to someone. Ideally, it should be an experienced mental health professional. They should be able to help you focus on the future.
Keep Yourself Busy
One of the first things that you should do is take some time off – and get some rest. Do not go back to working for the next couple of weeks. Instead, enjoy your free time and fill it up with enjoyable activities. For example, watch your favorite movies, read interesting books, or go out on a date with your significant other.
In addition to that, keep yourself busy with more time-consuming things. For example, if you have a hobby, it would be a great time to indulge in it. If you do not have one, it is the perfect time to look for one that suits your preferences. For example, if you love music, why not sign up for singing lessons? And if you enjoy photography, why not get yourself a camera and start taking beautiful pictures? It is up to you!
Manage Your Money the Right Way
In case you have not been saving up money lately, it would be a great time to start doing just that. If you manage to save enough money in the following weeks, dealing with redundancy financially will get a bit easier. For example, if you will be able to save enough money, you might be able to cover your rent for the month without having to take out a loan.
Find a Support Group
There are people out there who are going through a similar situation – and you should definitely get in touch with these people. It is always easier to deal with hardships when we have someone to lean on and talk to. For example, if you used to work with someone who has also been made redundant in recent months, you could get in touch with that person and talk about it.
In Conclusion
Dealing with redundancy can be stressful. It might make you feel eager to just give up and lay in bed for a few months. However, if you are smart enough and you know how to manage your time, you should be able to deal with it quickly and effectively. For example, you could put your time and effort into getting a different job. You can do that by working on your resume, looking for interesting job opportunities online, and finishing interesting courses related to your chosen career path. Good luck!

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