It can be very challenging to create a schedule at college that enables you to meet all your deadlines. You may find yourself starting to write an assignment the day before it is due, which does not give you enough time to do it properly and get a good grade.
Writing good assignments is about far more than just sitting down to write it – it all starts with preparation. Following these simple hacks can make a difference.

Learn to follow instructions
One of the reasons many students fail to get good marks for assignments is that they fail to read the instructions properly. Learning to follow instructions is a life skill that helps in many areas of life, including when writing assignments. For example, you may receive an instruction to write a certain number of words. Failing to write the right amount of words or writing too many words could prevent you from getting an “A.”
You can’t write about what you don’t understand, so if you have any doubts about the meaning of a question, ask for clarification. Writing off-topic will certainly not win you a good grade.
Find a quiet place where you can work
When you try to write your assignments in a place where you have many distractions, you won’t produce your best work. Writing in a dorm room may not give you the peace and quiet you need. It may make writing your assignment take much longer than it should when you’re being interrupted all the time by your dorm mates. It is often better to work in a library where it’s quiet and everyone is trying to focus.
Plan ahead and make an outline
Once you’re sure you understand exactly what you need to write about, it will help to plan how you will tackle it. The more complex the assignment, the more time you need to take to create a full outline of all the points you want to include.
This ensures that even before you start writing the first draft, you know what you’re going to address and the order in which you will do it. This can save you time in the long run. Start with your thesis statement and then create a logical flow of points that lead from one to another.
100% way to get an “A” with your assignment
Students in college often have an extremely busy schedule and they need to prioritize to manage all aspects, including writing assignments, attending lectures, studying for exams etc. If you are struggling to cope, a professional writer at Edubirdie will help with your assignment. Writers for hire have the expertise to provide you with a plagiarism-free assignment within the required deadline. You receive an example of work that you can study to improve your writing and get better grades in the future.

Find the right sources
Finding sources can be one of the most time-consuming tasks when writing an assignment and requires looking through textbooks, online databases and library books. A typical challenge that you face when using sources is to avoid plagiarism by accurately including references.
Mastering referencing can be hard but it’s essential because you can’t afford to submit assignments that aren’t 100% original. You can ace your college assignments if you use the right sources that are relevant to your thesis and back up your arguments.
Take short breaks
When writing an assignment, you may feel pressure to work for hours and hours at a time. You may find that you don’t spend the time fruitfully if you don’t take breaks. You can’t concentrate for such long periods of time.
Taking a break for a walk or some stretching exercises can help you to come back to your work with more focus. It is often best to work in short sprints where you go hard at a task for about 20 minutes and then take a 5-minute break before continuing. Having a light, healthy snack or a glass of water when you take breaks will also help to revitalize your body and brain.
Writing an assignment that gets you, an “A” can be challenging but the above hacks can help to make it easier. Fully understanding what’s required and planning ahead will save you time. It may be hard to discipline yourself to prepare properly ahead of time but it will help in the long run. Writing your assignment in a quiet place without distractions and taking breaks will make you more productive.
Craig Brown
Craig Brown is a multi talented professional who started his career as a teacher and then moved on to full-time writing. The main reason and motivation behind his move was the high level of praises from students for whom he wrote academic papers. He loves writing and he has stood by his promise to deliver quality work regularly.
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